In case of an auto accident

  1. Important! Obtain the names, phone numbers and addresses of any “disinterested” witnesses
  2. Stay calm
  3. Don't move your vehicle if possible. This alters the scene and could have a negative impact on your claim.
  4. Don't assign blame. Give a full description of the accident only to the investigating police officer. Never admit fault.
  5. Exchange information with the other drivers including license plate numbers, year and make of all involved vehicles.
  6. Contact your insurance company as soon as practical. See the links below.

In case of a home or business claim

    • If you have a claim involving your home, rental property or business, contact your insurance company or us as soon as practical. It is important that you attempt to gather police or fire department reports when available. Do not throw away damaged property unless instructed by the police, fire department or insurance company.